Author: David Anderson

Laser Eye Surgery

Ten common myths about laser eye surgery

As an eye doctor, I hear quite a lot of unusual ideas about laser corrective surgery. Probably the most common one is, “Lasering is painful!” ...
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Summer days: protection for your eyes as the weather heats up

British summers are unpredictable at the best of times, but take it from an ophthalmologist: the increased light and outdoor activity at this time of ...
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Keratoconus Eye
Eye Conditions

Keratoconus: A focus on the essentials

With increased awareness and improved diagnosis, the number of people with Keratoconus referred to specialists is on the increase. Early diagnosis is ideal because treatment ...
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Southampton Patient featured in BBC Three’s The Human Tissue Squad

Southampton Patient featured in BBC Three’s The Human Tissue Squad

Tom’s life is at a standstill until a new cornea is donated so he can see again. Highlighting the benefits of corneal transplantation in a ...
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