Cataract Surgery in the UK
Experience clear vision again with private cataract removal surgery from one of the UK’s leading cataract surgeons, Mr. David Anderson.
600+ 5-Star Patient Reviews:

What is Cataract Removal Surgery?
Hampshire, Surrey & Jersey
Cataract is the medical term for a clouding, frosting or loss of clarity of the eye’s natural lens which can then have an impact on your ability to see clearly or experience unwanted visual symptoms such as glare. Cataracts progress slowly over time but can worsen quite quickly in some cases. Most commonly associated with age cataracts are a common problem and will affect most people sooner or later. Learn more about the cataract condition here.
Help is at hand. We are experts in helping the vision of those affected by cataract return to normal quickly and safely. Modern surgery, means that your cataracts can be operated on at all stages, not just when you struggle to see, so you can get back to enjoying life and normal activities before missing out or losing confidence. You’re in safe hands.
David Anderson is widely regarded as an expert cataract surgeon performing many thousands of procedures over thirty years and teaching, publishing and presenting on cataract surgery nationally and internationally. David will provide your personal care from first consultation, through your procedure to your final visit enabling you to achieve the best vision and outcome for you.
Why Choose Anderson Eye Care
David Anderson is senior cataract, refractive and corneal surgeon at UHS NHS FT with nearly 30 years’ experience of intraocular surgery and more than 80 publications and medical contributions – ResearchGate. He is also on the General Medical Council Specialist register. David administers all consultation, treatments and procedures at Anderson Eye Care.
Anderson Eye Care is the south’s premier cataract, laser eye & lens replacement surgery clinic. Mr. David Anderson, founder and medical director, is one of the UK’s leading eye surgeons and personally performs all procedures & consultations.
Combining the latest state-of-the-art technology with David’s years of experience, we’re able to provide a full-range of eye care procedures which allows us to recommend the best treatment for your situation.
As one of the UK’s leading Ophthalmologists, David is regularly asked to give presentations. He’s currently a member of:
- Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon | University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust
- Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer| University of Southampton
- Affiliate Member of the Institute for Life Sciences | University of Southampton
- Fellow of the European Board of Ophthalmology
- Faculty member of the Microsurgical Skills Centre | Royal College of Ophthalmologists
Take Our Online Vision Quiz
Find out how good your vision is and what kind of procedures you would be most suitable for by taking our free online quiz below.
What Lens Choices do I have?
We are able to offer a wide selection of lens types to suit your needs and the type of eyes you have. All of our lenses are premium products, there are no lenses which are better or higher or lower quality, but different lenses have different functionality and will suit different eyes and different visual requirements. David Anderson has a wide experience using many different lens types over the last 25 years so depending on your clinical examination and optical preferences can help guide you to the best choice for your particular circumstances.
Monofocal lenses
Monofocal lenses will give the sharpest image quality but the shortest range of vision or depth of focus so that reading glasses are usually required for intermediate and close visual tasks e.g. reading a newspaper. The focus of each lens can be offset slightly so that a dominant eye is clearer for distance and non-dominant eye for near. This effect called monovision or micro-monovision and you may have tried this using contact lenses before.
Extended depth of focus lenses (EDoF)
Extended depth of focus lenses (EDoF) increase the depth of focus by ‘stretching’ the intermediate zone of focus as well as distance vision correction, low strength readers may be required for close work but most of the time glasses are not required.
Extended Depth of Focus plus (EDoF+)
Extended Depth of Focus plus (EDoF+) is the first of its kind and arguably the leading extended depth focus lens, AcrySof® IQ Vivity® IOL utilises non-diffractive wavefront-shaping elements to extend the range of vision of a traditional monofocal lens whilst maximising visual quality. Wavefront-shaping elements stretch and shift the wavefront of light entering the eye, creating a continuous extended focal range rather than multiple focal points. This may provide a smoother range of intermediate vision than traditional diffractive EDoF lenses. In conditions where optic nerve or macular function may be compromised, or when the eye has complex optics, this technology utilises all available light energy to focus on the retina and so may maximise the potential vision.
Diffractive multifocal lenses
Diffractive multifocal lenses will provide the greatest range of vision and therefore the greatest independence from spectacles but this will be balanced against optical quality so that you may experience some glare or halo around lights e.g. head or taillights when driving at night. You may already experience these symptoms because of refractive error or early cataract and most people will adapt to them but they are an important consideration when choosing this type of lens implant.
Cataract Surgery Overview with Anderson Eye Care
Whilst some people may be squeamish about the idea of surgery or find it scary there is no need to be nervous. We are experienced in helping you achieve your best vision quickly and effectively. Modern surgical techniques mean that your cataract procedure can take place at quite an early stage before they have a significant impact on your life and prevent you from doing something you need to e.g. driving or reading or simply enjoy doing e.g. going to the theatre or watching sports.
On the day that you come into hospital we will admit you to a private room with an en-suite bathroom. Local anaesthetic drops are administered with drops to dilate your pupil. Further local anaesthetic is administered usually in the form of eyedrops, and the painless procedure will take around 15-20 mins. Using low efficient ultrasound energy known as phacoemulsification, the cataract is liquified and removed. A new lens is prepared and inserted using an advanced injection system and positioned within the eye. We will transfer you back to your room for a drink and refreshments. As soon as you are ready you are able to leave.
After surgery, you will rest for a short period in your room and be provided with refreshments before going home. You will have a clear plastic shield over your eye to protect it and we will provide you with antibiotic and anti-inflammatory drops to use as well as a reminder of your does and don’t instructions. If you have another cataract surgery booked, this will usually take place within seven days of the first.
Following surgery you can expect to see an improvement in your vision within the first day or two. You will have a dilated pupil immediately following surgery and we suggest that you arrange transport home from the hospital. You may experience mild discomfort but there should be no pain. After this point you should notice your vision improve quickly and can get back to your normal routine. We recommend avoiding strenuous lifting for a week following surgery and ask you to be careful to avoid injury to the eye e.g. gardening.
The eye will be healing and will need time to adjust to its final focus and balance with the other eye, particularly if you have cataract in the other eye. Driving will be individual to each case so we can advise you on when it will be suitable for you to get back behind the wheel. We will invite you to your follow up appointment two to three weeks after surgery and recommend you visit your Optometrist three weeks following that appointment if new glasses are required.
Risks with surgery are low and David Anderson has performed many thousands of operations with excellent results. Surgical procedures do carry risks however and complications can include infection, macula oedema (or swelling), seeing small dots or floaters and retinal detachment. All risks and benefit of surgery will be discussed with you at your consultation, if you are anxious about potential complications please call us so we can help alleviate any concerns that you may have.
Your eye will feel slightly gritty and may ache a little for a day or two but should not be painful. Any mild ache should settle with simple analgesia e.g. paracetamol. In many cases, people do not experience any discomfort.
We usually suggest a week or so off work and can provide medical certification if required. There are no restriction on using screens so if you would like to work from home using screens you can do so as soon as you wish. You cannot ‘strain’ your eyes by using them to watch the television, read, use a screen or a smartphone.
Our usual practice is to proceed with second eye surgery within a few days or a week of the first. Cataract surgery is very safe however, and there are circumstances in which surgery can be performed immediately sequentially on both eyes, particularly if a general anaesthetic is required.
The IOL implants are designed to be left in place for life, they do not wear out so do not need to be replaced after a period of time. They are made from biologically inert acrylic polymers.
Yes. IOLs or artificial lenses can be replaced but rarely need to be as they do not wear out, are not load bearing and do not move within the eye.
You can fly on the day of surgery but it is advisable to remain local to the hospital for the first few weeks after surgery in case you need advice or additional treatment.
Please avoid wearing eye make-up, particularly mascara for a week following surgery. Any other face make-up can be worn after 48 hours. We ask that you be careful not to rub or apply pressure to your eyes during this time.
If you have comfortable, well-fitting goggles you can swim after two weeks but ideally we would like you to avoid swimming pool water entering your eyes for a month following surgery. Many of our patients swim in the sea which is often cleaner and we recommend a two week period provided goggles are worn. After one month there are no limitations on swimming in freshwater or swimming pools.